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Civil works

Civil works Through our years of trajectory and experience we have taken the execution of Expressways, Divided Highways, Roads, High-Speed Railways, debris removal in Tunnels, Polygons, Housing Developments, etc.
All of these were performed with the best human, technical and machinery re... Read more...

Hydraulic Works

Hydraulic Works In recent years, and given the importance of this type of projects, we have executed works in various sectors: Reservoirs, Dams, Channelizations, etc.

All of them carried out with the specific machinery and resources for their execution.



Mining In the mining sector, we have developed the resources for both Exploitation and Extraction in quarries and mines.
This was achieved by an integration of machinery and resources, which results in the adequate performance according to the exploitation needs.


Other works

Other works In this section we will refer to significant works, in their degree of complexity, form and execution deadlines.
Works like Racing Circuits, Docks, Ground Leveling, Drainages, etc. These types of works require integration between human resources and machinery.


Grup of companies

SONAMA, S.A. is the head of a group of five trademarks and has been dedicated for more than 35 years to the constructions field in its different scopes.


Machinery Report

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From the first to the last work to be executed, we are able to perform works within agreed deadlines relying on our machinery equipment and technical and professional staff.


Executed Works

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Our execution relies on all the resources available to us: human resources (engineers, operators, mechanics, technicians, etc.), highly qualified staff and our machinery.


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Who are we?

SONAMA, S.A. is the head of a group of five trademarks and has been dedicated for more than 35 years to the constructions field in its different scopes...

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Contact Information

  • Viladomat nº 114, Esc B, Entr 4º
  • 08015 - Barcelona (Spain)
  • T. (+34)93 425 11 91
  • F. (+34) 93 423 18 32